Hauptbild Agilent 6410 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS (G6410B)

Agilent 6410 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS (G6410B)

Artikelnr: 4004
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Labrecycling hat derzeit mehrere schöne Instrumente bereit, die komplett überholt sind und mit Berichterstattung kommen:

Agilent 6410 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Allgemeine Systemspezifikationen

Single point of controlSingle-point data system method capability with full control of Agilent 1100 and 1200 Series HPLC systems and 6410 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Time programming
  • Positive/negative polarity switching in a timesegmen
  • Scanand SIM or MRM (plusothermodesofdatacollection)
  • Solvent divert through calibrant delivery system valve
  • Possible 99 time segments with potential 99MRMsper-time window
Wide range of ionization sources
  • Electrospray (ESI)
  • Nanospray with HPLC-Chip CubeMS interface
  • Atmospheric pressure chemicalionization(APCI)
  • Multimodesource(simultaneous ESI and APCI)
AutotuneAutomated optimization of ion optics and mass axis calibration
Solvent declusteringCounter current gas
DetectorHigh-energy conversion dynode and removable electron multiplier horn
Vacuum systemOne triple-stage turbomolecular pump with one mechanical pump
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