The ugly duckling, becomes a swan & gets a 2nd life

The ugly duckling, becomes a swan & gets a 2nd life

Two more months and the year 2022 is already here. This could be the time, when your new HPLC or other chromatography instrument is delivered. And what do you do with the "old" one? Give it a second life together with Labrecyclung.

Labrecycling is looking for HPLC systems like the Agilent 1100 and 1200

If you click on the following links, you can inform us directly 

Yes I am selling my 1100

Yes I am selling my 1200

You have another chromatography device to sell to Labrecycling 

You may of course have another chromatography instrument that you would like to give a 2nd chance. If so, we would also like to know which one. 
Besides HPLC, we are currently receiving a lot of demand for ICP and AAS.

Do you have a piece of equipment and think: 
Can Labrecycling give it a second life? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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